Yogyakarta 2023
HelloIm Devin Muhammad
I find great satisfaction in bringing visual-pleasing ideas to life through my work, ensuring that user experiences are both seamless and visually appealing. Several projects I've worked with involves me leading the front-end development from the designing process up until the code development.
Furthermore, interacting with data through the realm of data science and machine learning has been my current joy. I recently completed the Machine Learning path program at Bangkit Academy 2023 where I got to learn many things about data science (also including data analytics) and how to develop machine learning models that could solve real world problems.
My hobbies revolve around arts such music and photography. Both reflect the idea of fulfilling my senses in the best possible way. I've been taking photos on film since 2018, and around the same time, I started playing in a band every once in a while—both of which I still enjoy today.